
13 Party Games For Kids That They Will LOVE


13 Party Games For Kids That They Will LOVE


13 Party Games For Kids That They Will LOVE

This post is all about party games for kids that they will LOVE!

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Looking for party games for kids that they will love playing? well, that’s exactly what we want to help you achieve from this post. Your children are going to think you are the coolest, most fun parents ever when you put together a party that prioritises their fun and laughter at its core. 

I know organising a party can be stressful, there is so much to think about. But all anyone really cares about is that they have a good time and everyone is happy (and if there is anyone that doesn’t, should they even be there?). So take the pressure off of yourself to have a perfect party, and focus on having a fun and enjoyable one. You got this!


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Party Games For Kids They Will Love


13 Party Games For Kids That They Will LOVE

  1. Paint target 

You make a target board out of cardboard, then using paint (each player picks their colour) you dab some Nerf gun bullets into the paint and shoot at the board, you can have as many players as you like. 


13 Party Games For Kids That They Will LOVE

2. Guess the food challenge 

You collect a variety of food, it’s completely up to you and your preferences, but some ideas could be flavours of sweets, unusual fruits and vegetables, branded versus non-branded foods, and different drinks. The player wears an eye mask so they can’t see what they’re eating and they take turns having a go and guessing. A really fun game that children will love. 

13 Party Games For Kids That They Will LOVE

3. Song quiz

Children love songs, and they’ll have so much fun guessing snippets of the latest songs. You can make a playlist and just play aloud a small part of the song for each player (or team) to guess. 


13 Party Games For Kids That They Will LOVE

4. Sensory hunt

You fill up a few bowls with different types of sensory filings such as cooked spaghetti, flour, dried couscous or rice, squirty cream, and so on. Then you fill them with a few different surprises, this could be sealed bags of sweets, or plastic eggs with toys inside. Now it’s time for the children to explore and search for the treasure. 

Colored rice from amazon


13 Party Games For Kids That They Will LOVE

5. Treasure trail using pictures

Instead of using words, make it fun for children by printing off or drawing some bright fun pictures. So each hiding spot can reveal a clue of the next hiding spot with a picture, or they could just have a treasure map showing each location of the pictures. Place them in hiding places all over the place,  and then set your adventurers off to hunt them all. Everyone who completes the trail gets a surprise. 

Treasure hunt game from amazon


13 Party Games For Kids That They Will LOVE

6. Find nature items

Set your adventurers off on a nature discovery hunt by giving them a list of items they should find on their adventure. You could put things on the list like worms, pinecones, and particular types of plants. Or maybe they could find a nature item for every color on the list. Once they collect them all they can claim their prize.


13 Party Games For Kids That They Will LOVE

7. Talent show 

Let every guest be the main character for a moment by letting them showcase their talents. They can each rehearse for their spot on the stage and perform their special gift for everyone to enjoy. This could be dancing, singing, acting, magic shows, cracking jokes, or maybe even working as a dream team with someone else!


13 Party Games For Kids That They Will LOVE

8. Make something that floats challenge

Set up a table with different materials on it, then set all the children (and adults too if they like) the challenge to create a boat or something similar that will float once put onto water. A wonderful creative and scientific game. You can get more inspiration from this Build Something That Floats YouTube video which explains this challenge well. 


13 Party Games For Kids That They Will LOVE

9. Spin the wheel and win a prize

Instead of pass the parcel (which let’s face it, can cause confusion about who is actually holding the parcel when the music goes off), each participant chooses a number and rolls a dice till it lands on one of the numbers that someone has chosen. That person then gets to spin the arrow, and whatever box the arrow lands on they can open and they’ll have a surprise inside.

Spin the wheel from amazon


13 Party Games For Kids That They Will LOVE

10. Water balloon Chalk Target

First, draw large circles or squares with chalk on the floor outside, you can put numbers in each one to represent how many points it counts for, then fill your water balloons up. The aim is to have fun throwing the water balloons into the targets and each player can count up their points.

Washable outdoor chalk from amazon

Reusable water balloons from amazon

Original Bunch o water balloons from amazon



13 Party Games For Kids That They Will LOVE

11. Solve the riddle

A great little addition to party games is to add a riddle challenge for everyone to take part in. This could be written on a board, or a poster somewhere visible for all of your guests. You could announce when you will reveal the answer to the riddle and see how many people got it right. 


13 Party Games For Kids That They Will LOVE

12. How well do you know the birthday boy/girl

A lovely game for the party boy or girl to see how much their friends know about them. You can compile as few or as many questions as you like in a questionnaire, hand them out to the party guests, and have them fill them out individually. Whoever gets the most questions right could win a prize. Alternatively, you could have players put their hands up as you call out the questions to the whole group and if they get the answer right they could win a small prize. 


13 Party Games For Kids That They Will LOVE

13. Truth Teller Game

Here’s one we’ve created for you that we absolutely love. You have a bunch of pieces of paper in a jar that say “truth teller” apart from one that says “lie teller”. Each player picks a single piece of paper from the jar (or hat) and keeps it to themselves. Then you take in turns asking questions to the group. This could be as simple as “What is your favourite food” to more complex questions like “What is your most embarrassing moment?”

No one knows who is a truth-teller or a lie-teller, you only know what you are and that the aim is to not be found out if you are a lie-teller. Truthtellers must answer with the truth, and the lie teller must answer with lies. After 5 questions, everyone votes on who they think the lie teller is, after 15 questions and 3 sets of guesses, if the lie teller is not found then they win, if they are found then the truth tellers win. 


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