self love quotes to help you heal

35 Self-Love Quotes To Help You Heal

35 Self-Love Quotes To Help You Heal


35 Healing Self-Love Quotes 


What is healing in self-love?

When we heal through self-love, we start to tune into our own needs and begin responding to them. This may include changing negative self-talk patterns, listening to when our body needs a break, and doing things that make us feel happy. We start to heal when we begin feeling less judgmental of ourselves, and more forgiving and accepting. By providing ourselves with the right environment, we begin to thrive and feel good about our lives. Here are some Healing Self Love Quotes created for you by the team at Earthimama. 


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Healing Self-Love Quotes 


You may have been deeply misunderstood and consistently invalidated, but there is nothing wrong with you, there never was


It wasn’t your fault, but it is your right to heal 


There is nothing more beautiful than when a pure-hearted soul finally realizes their worth


You are going to upset a lot of the wrong people and gain respect from a lot of the right people when you start speaking your truth


Someone’s inability to love you does not make you unloveable


Your authentic self is your most powerful self


When you replace negative self-talk with self-compassion, you level up twice as fast


A lot of healing is about releasing what was never a part of who you are


We must meet our most profound pain with compassion, especially when we find it hard to


You can’t heal in the place that broke you


You have nothing to lose and everything to gain by having hope


You can love something and never want it back again


I am honest about my pain so that others can be honest about theirs too


It is for you to decide what type of energy you will allow into your life


Invest in your future by loving yourself in the present


Your body has its own pace, you just need to tune in and listen to it


Don’t allow the people to stay in your mind, who should never have had access to you in the first place


There is a child in you who needs to hear from you that she is enough


Don’t trade in your peace by overthinking something you never deserved to happen to you


You’ve spent enough time doing what others want you to do and it didn’t make you happy, it’s time to try doing what you want to do and see where it takes you


Your courage to heal will inspire others to heal too


You can miss something and still not allow it back into your life ever again


It’s going to feel really uncomfortable when you start to stand up for yourself while healing, keep doing it anyway


By nurturing who you are, you are gifting the world with your magic


If the sacrifice is to abandon your values, then the answer should be no


You must give a voice to that feeling inside that wants to be heard 


You didn’t deserve what happened to you, but you do deserve to heal


Some of the most incredible things happen after we realize our mistakes


You should never have been made to feel like you were doing something wrong, by asking for help


Our emotions reveal to us the places we need the most love


Your journey begins when you finally realize your value in this world


The best response to mistreatment is self-love


The greatest love is the journey of self-discovery


You can’t be abandoned if you show up for yourself


Love and accept yourself so that you never need to find approval anywhere else


You will attract people who treat you in ways you treat yourself


You won’t have time to worry about what other people think of you when you are so busy with self-development



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