Kids Easter Basket Ideas That Are CHEAP & EASY

Kids Easter basket ideas that are CHEAP & EASY


Kids Easter basket ideas that are CHEAP & EASY



I know you love your little one and all you want is to put a big beaming smile on their face this Easter, I also know you’re probably tired come these holidays and all you need is something simple and easy to put together. 


With all of this in mind, I’ve wrapped up some of the sweetest and simplest Easter basket ideas for you to be sure your little treasures get their treasures this Easter. 



What to put inside an Easter basket? 


First, let’s think about what we could put inside our Easter baskets. I have a 2-year-old and an 11-year-old to make these for this year so you’re in good hands for a wide range of Easter basket gift ideas for all ages. 



Map for their egg hunt

Clues for their egg hunt

Tickets to the farm to see baby animals

A range of different colours and sizes of chocolate eggs

Seeds for growing flowers, fruits, or veg

Favourite snacks

Their favourite craft

Plastic eggs with jokes or quotes inside

Easter book

Easter stickers

Pastel color play doh 


Sun hat

Water bottle

Favourite fidget toy

Baby animal toy/soft toy


Easter cookie

Color in easter card




Kids’ Easter basket ideas




1. Decorate with favorite themed stickers



For this idea, you just need to think of their favorite book, program, or character and you can decorate their basket and basket contents with stickers and pictures of this theme. For example, my daughter loves Stickman so I printed out pictures of Stickman and stuck them to packets of snacks and toys. Then I decorated the basket by sticking real leaves and sticks to it.


You might like these easter stickers to decorate with. 




2. Surprise Lucky Dip Easter basket



Have an old Christmas bag or birthday gift bag lying around? Perfect! You can fill it with shredded paper and hide all of their Easter surprises inside for them to have a fun lucky dip. They will love reaching in and finding their Easter treasures. 


You might like this easter tissue paper



3. Favourite colour-themed Easter basket 



What is your child’s favorite color? You can find all the different treats and gifts of that color and compile them together to make a visually appealing Easter basket.


You might like these brightly colored easter bags




4. Egg carton Easter basket 



Don’t have a basket lying around? How about an old egg carton box? You can decorate this (or even get your little one to pre-decorate it) and then place sweet little Easter gifts inside. 



5. Paper mache egg (balloon) Easter basket 



First, blow up the balloon, then paper mache the balloon, wait for it to dry, paint and decorate as you please, then pop the balloon, create a small gap, and fill the large egg with Easter gifts, you can either cover up the gap so they have to crack it like an egg to reveal their surprises or leave it so they can reach inside. 



6. New Hat Easter basket 



Will you be buying a new spring/ summer hat for your child anyway? Make it a special gift by getting it for Easter and filling it with Easter treats. Or you could find an old hat lying around, any would be great, especially a straw hat, fill it with goodies and decorations such as colorful tissue paper. 




7. Tiered Gift Box Easter Basket 



You can see how to make a gift box out of paper or card here. Simply cut out different sizes and stack them up to give a special tiered touch.




8. Paper gift bag easter basket 



Paper gift bags are so simple yet look so sweet, they can be purchased in many places. Alternatively, INNOVA crafts show you how to make some lovely ones. 




9. Fabric easter basket 



An easy way to make any Easter basket instantly look beautiful. You can place the fabric inside, cover the handle or tie it into a bow and attach. Try experimenting with different fabrics lying around the house (you could even use a scarf) or pick up some cheap scraps of fabric from a fabric shop. 



10. Tote bag 



Another way to make the Easter basket a gift is to buy a tote bag which you would be using anyway, maybe your child needs a new book bag this spring? And fill with their Easter treats. 


You might like these personalized bunny  tote bags 



11. Shoe box Easter basket 



A Shoebox will make a perfect Easter basket with its attachable lid. You can decorate it by covering it with magazine pictures, stickers, paint or fabric. You could also get your child to decorate it themselves with crafty things. I love using these to make my children their December first boxes.




12. Jam jar Easter basket 



Dig out an old jam jar, pickle jar, or any jar that is a good size. Clean and soak in warm water to remove the label. Glass jars will always make any gift look beautiful. 


You might like this fantastic jar filled with creme eggs




13. Parcel Easter basket 



Do you have an old parcel bag or box? Create a new Easter label, and attach it to the front as a special delivery from the Easter bunny. A totally inexpensive fun idea that looks exciting.



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