60 Positive Parenting Phrases: Support Your Child’s Mental Health
60 Positive Parenting Phrases To Support Your Child’s Mental Health
Growing up hearing positive parenting phrases is important. Because of this, I make it one of my priorities to say many of the phrases below to my son every day. When I forget to do this, I write them down as quotes and stick them in his room. This makes a huge difference to how my son feels. I also hear my son repeating these similar positive words to other people. The goal is to help our children develop such a strong positive sense of self and self-belief, that they will be guided towards positivity and bounce back from challenges.
Why positive parenting phrases are important
Children look up to their parents. To understand this, you only have to think about how your parents impacted your life, positively or negatively. If you think about how a positive quote or affirmation can make you feel, then imagine how powerful it is to be a child hearing that from your parent. What you tell your children, they will remember and likely believe. Positive words, “can alter the expression of genes, strengthening areas in our frontal lobes and promoting the brain’s cognitive functioning.” (Andrew Newberg, M.D. and Mark Waldman).
60 Positive Parenting Phrases
- The world is more beautiful with you in it
- Your thoughts and opinions are important
- You don’t have to do anything to be enough, you were born enough
- Mistakes are positive for our learning
- You don’t need to do everything perfectly to do it well
- I believe you
- I’m here to help guide you, not judge you
- If someone is a true friend, they won’t want you to change
- Sometimes other people are unkind to us because they feel unhappy inside
- The best way to be successful is by doing what you enjoy most
- The most important person that needs to like you, is you
- You shouldn’t make other people happy if it means making you unhappy
- The things that make you different, are the things that make you wonderful
- No matter where you go and what you do, you are loved
- I will always be here to help and guide you, not lecture you
- If it doesn’t feel right, don’t do it, your feelings are there to help you
- If you feel unsure, ask someone you trust
- You have a beautiful and kind heart
- Your personality is so loveable
- I love listening to what you have to say
- I enjoy spending time with you
- You are a kind person
- You have a wonderful and interesting mind
- It is strong to talk about how you feel
- It is strong to ask for help
- I love the way you see the world
- The things that are important to you are meaningful
- I am grateful to have you as my child
- Your friends are lucky to have you in their life
- I love your style
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- Just because you didn’t feel brave doesn’t mean you weren’t
- You worked so hard to do that
- You gave that all your patience
- I love how you explained that
- You didn’t give up and you did it
- I’m proud of you for listening to when your body needs to take a rest
- Not everyone has to like you and you don’t have to like everyone
- Are you proud of yourself?
- That’s brilliant thinking
- It takes courage to speak up for yourself
- You’re courage in standing up for what you believe in is inspiring for others
- You should be proud of yourself for how you handled that
- You are getting better at that every time you try
- It’s ok to walk away from things when you’ve had enough
- You are in charge of yourself
- You can try something out and see if it’s for you or if it’s not for you
- It’s great to be curious
- When you’re sad, look for a reason to smile
- Dont forget about what you have while thinking of what you want
- You have great ideas
- You can be yourself wherever you go and whatever you do
- You should never make yourself feel uncomfortable to please someone else
- You can be a respectful person and still say no
- You can be a respectful person and still change your mind
- Your emotions are valid
- Your experience is true and real
- I’m sorry, that upset you
- I am always here to hear and understand you
- If you can’t change something, you can change how you view it
- I love the person you are in your heart
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