Sentimental Ways to say I love you 

Sentimental Ways to say I love you 

Sentimental Ways to say I love you 


Sentimental Ways to say I love you 



Saying “I love you” is a big step in a relationship. That’s why you could possibly be putting a lot of thought into how you are going to say this to your partner if it’s for the first time, or how can you express it in a really meaningful way as your relationship gets stronger. This is likely going to be a memorable moment for you both so thinking of sentimental ways to say I love you is a great idea. 

Sometimes you know exactly how you feel in your heart, and still somehow finding the right words or actions to express it can feel so difficult. These sentimental “I love you” quotes and ways to tell someone you love them for the first time will help you share your love in a way that feels perfect for you. Maybe you prefer written notes, or perhaps you prefer to choose a magical moment to say these words instead. There is never a wrong answer when you truly put your heart into something.  


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Sentimental “I love you” quotes 



I’ve waited my whole life to feel the way you make me feel, I love you 



I could travel the world and I’d never love someone the way I love you 



I’ve been trying to find the right words to explain something to you, and I’ve realised sometimes less is more; I love you 



To the person who brings out the best in me, I love you 



You are the reason I discovered true love exists, I love you 



I have an indescribable amount of love for you 



Thank you for showing me exactly how it feels to be totally in love 



Not only are you always on my mind, but you are always in my heart, I love you 



There’s no one on earth that could fill your place, I love you 



You are like everything I’ve ever dreamed of come to life right in front of me, I love you 



I hope one day you’ll see yourself the way I see you, with nothing but love and admiration 



Just being with you makes the world feel like the most beautiful place, I love you 




Sentimental ways to tell someone you love them for the first time 


Sentimental Ways to say I love you 




Go to a beautiful beach and write it on the sand 



Bring them breakfast in bed with “I love you” written as a note in their bowl or plate (hopefully they see it before pouring in the milk)



Draw on My Back challenge 




Personalised heat-changing mug 




Personalized jewelry engraved with “I love you” 



Cake or cupcake with “I love you” written with icing 



Photo album filled with your favorite photos of you both and an “I love you” on one of the pages 



Write it on a note and put it under their pillow for when they next get into bed as a sweet surprise 



Write it in a note and pop it in their jacket or pocket before they leave so they find it randomly throughout the day 



Pretend you’re recording a video with them just for keepsake and announce “I love you” at a sweet moment so you can capture their reaction to look back on



Go to a photo booth to take cute photos and announce it in the Photo Booth so you can capture their face 



Tell them on a special occasion like their birthday or Christmas 



Go to a place that has a special memory, for example, the first place you met, and tell them at the moment that feels right 



Go to a place that is meaningful to you both, for example, is there a place you both talk about visiting?



Tell them with a sentimental gift, for example, is there an artist or author that means a lot to them? get it for them and write I love you and pop it inside for when they open it up



Tell them in a cute handmade card or a funny card



Make them something to eat and spell “I love you” out in the food


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