Being Different Quotes That Will Change Your Mindset

Being Different Quotes That Will Change Your Mindset

Being Different Quotes That Will Change Your Mindset


Being Different Quotes That Will Change Your Mindset


Have you always felt “different”? Maybe like you just never fit in anywhere? I hear you.

I spent almost 30 years feeling this exact way. It was only when I had a conversation with a wonderful, talented, and deeply empathetic therapist that my eyes were opened to the truth.

She asked, “What makes you feel like you don’t fit in?” I replied, “Well, I just don’t care about what the people around me care about.” To which she responded, “And what do they care about?” I said, “You know, what people think of you, how impressive your house is, how your job title instantly determines the respect you receive, and how your social status affects how much value people place on you.”

She then asked, “And what do you care about?” Without hesitation, I said, very embarrassedly, “All I really care about are things like human rights, how people feel, how people are treated, protecting the vulnerable, and giving a voice to those who are silenced.”

She smiled and said something I never anticipated and will never forget: “You feel like you don’t fit in because you don’t.”

And I cried.

She continued, “You aren’t like the people around you, and that’s why you’ve always felt that way. But the type of person you are is both challenging and wonderful. It’s hard to fight for justice, but it’s a strong and beautiful thing. There are people like you all over the world; it’s just about finding them.”

I had never felt so seen without having to change a single thing.

I had spent my whole life believing that once I figured out how to change, I’d finally fit in and ultimately accept myself.

But you don’t have to change anything to accept yourself; all you need to do is realize that you are perfect just the way you are.

I owe so much to that therapist because, without her, I would never have started this website. She is one of the most beautiful and strongest souls I’ve ever met. I wanted to share this story with you today so you can see how beautiful and powerful it is to be different.


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Being Different Quotes


Being Different Quotes That Will Change Your Mindset


“Your way is the right way.”


“What followers often fail to realize is that they are following someone who had the courage to forge a new path.”


“You are not a drop in the ocean. You are the entire ocean in a drop.”– Rumi


“Judging differences leads to disconnection, but understanding them fosters connection and strength.”


“It takes less energy to discover your unique power than to exhaust yourself trying to fit in.”


“Normality is a paved road: It’s comfortable to walk, but no flowers grow on it.”– Vincent Van Gogh


“It’s the confidence that people are drawn to, not whether you’re being your self ornot. Soi why not be confident while being yourself?”


“It’s confidence that people are drawn to, not whether you’re being yourself or not. So why not be confident while being yourself?”


“You wouldn’t seek a service from someone who doesn’t love their career, so don’t listen to negative comments from those who don’t even love themselves.”


“Accepting you are different is the first step to discovering that its your super power.”


“Embrace what makes you unique and you give everyone around you the permission to do the same.”


“Those who achieve extraordinary things never tried to be like everyone else.”


“The only reason people reject difference is because it’s outside of their comfort zone, but we all know that it’s outside of your comfort zone where you truly level up.”


“Daring to be true to who you are is the boldest and most heroic act you can ever undertake.”


“You can never appear more beautiful than when fully aligned with what makes you unique.”


“Nature isn’t beautiful because all its plants and colors are the same; it’s because of their vast and vibrant differences.”


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