Thoughtful Birthday Quotes For Moms That Will Bring Tears

Thoughtful Birthday Quotes For Moms That Will Bring Tears

Thoughtful Birthday Quotes For Moms That Will Bring Tears


Thoughtful Birthday Quotes For Moms That Will Bring Tears

Is your mom’s birthday coming up?  We’ve put together some carefully thought-out birthday quotes for moms that will bring tears. It can be hard to put into words the love you feel for your mum. After all, the love between a mother and her child is one of the most powerful things to exist. In that case, you might be looking for a quote that will fill her heart with warmth and make her feel as appreciated as she truly is. 


These birthday messages for mums can be used for Facebook, Instagram, a card, or with a birthday gift. Maybe you need a quote for your step mum or grandmother, well these quotes for mothers from sons and daughters are bound to have your mum feeling so much love on her birthday or Mother’s Day.


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You may love: Thoughtful mom gift ideas that will bring a tear


Thoughtful Birthday Quotes For Moms 


Quote 1 

Thank you for being the most incredible role model a daughter/son could ever wish for 


Quote 2 

I am so thankful to have such a beautiful, talented, and courageous mom with a heart of pure gold


Quote 3

We might not get to choose our mums, but if we could then I would choose you 


Quote 4

It might have been your choice to make me your daughter/son, but it’s my choice to make you my best friend


Quote 5

It’s your unconditional love that has given me the strength to accomplish everything that I have 


Quote 6

You have always been my guiding light and gifted me with strength when I needed it most 


Quote 7

If I even become half of the woman you are, I will be so proud

Quote 8 

Every mother makes an influence on their child’s life, I just got lucky that mine made such a wonderful influence 


Quote 9

From learning to walk, to accomplishing [       ] you’ve always been my biggest supporter and hero


Quote 10

No matter how far I travel, my place called home will always be with you 


Quote 11

Every child looks up to their mom like they are the most amazing person in the entire world, and I still do


Quote 12

I could never thank you enough for all that you do, so instead I just hope that I can make you as proud as you make me 


Quote 13

You’ve always tried so hard to make all my wishes come true, so now I’m wishing you the best day of all


Quote 14

You have a hug that could heal a broken heart and words that can bring inspiration in the most difficult times, I love you mom


Quote 15

Today we celebrate the woman who always knows the right thing to say and always finds a way to do the impossible 


Quote 16

They say whatever you put out into the world comes back to you, that’s why today I’m sending you all of the love, strength, and happiness in the world 


Quote 17

Your love, care, and support have shaped me into the person that I am today 


Quote 18

Your presence fills the room with warmth and your smile lights up the darkest of days 


Quote 19

There is a reason you only get one mum, and that’s because you are completely irreplaceable 


Quote 20

Thanks to your unconditional love it doesn’t matter how far apart we are, I always feel so close to you 


Cute mom cards we love:

Sweet mom birthday card with poem from etsy

You are the mum everyone wishes they had card from etsy

Stunning rose pop up card for mom from amazon


We hope you found a quote that expresses the special relationship you have with your mom, see you soon!

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