10 Ways To Tell Your Family You're Pregnant To Make Them Cry

10 Ways To Tell Family You’re Pregnant To Make Them Cry

10 Ways To Tell Family You’re Pregnant To Make Them Cry

10 Ways To Tell Your Family You're Pregnant To Make Them Cry

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Have you just found out you’re expecting? Congratulations! I remember the feeling as clear as day. I bet you are feeling all sorts of emotions right now and your head is spinning with all the people you can’t wait to tell. I remember the first walk I took after finding out I was pregnant and taking a moment to just be with my baby growing inside my belly.

So this is your reminder to enjoy every single moment of your pregnancy.

We want to welcome you to Earthimama, a warm and supportive place for you to come to throughout your journey of becoming a parent and parent life. I believe in making the most of these special moments, therefore I have carefully and with much thought, put together some cute ways to tell family you’re pregnant to make them cry.


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When can I announce pregnancy to family?

Announcing your pregnancy to your family is a very personal decision. A lot of parents choose to wait till their first scan which happens at the end of the first trimester/beginning of the second trimester. This is because it is usually comforting when you have had your pregnancy confirmed and checked over by your healthcare provider.

However, this may not be the same for everyone. For example, you may feel that there are people in your family you are particularly close to and you’d like the emotional support in the earlier days.

On the other hand, other people have been known to wait a lot longer for a variety of reasons, for example, maybe you want to enjoy all of the magic of pregnancy in private until you are ready to share it. Whatever you decide to do, make sure it feels right for you and you consider what will work best for you and your partner. 


How do you announce a pregnancy to family?

There are so many ways to tell your family that you are pregnant. Maybe you like a short and sweet message, or perhaps you prefer to go all out and make a celebration of it.

What’s important to consider is your own unique relationship with your family members and what will work best for you. This may be different for different members of the family or maybe you’d like to gather everyone together.

There is never a wrong answer, just the right answer that is unique to you. And so we’ve put together a range of sentimental ways to tell family you’re pregnant so it can be a memorable moment for you to hold in your heart always.


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10 Ways To Tell Family You’re Pregnant To Make Them Cry


1. Paper gift box surprise

A sweet surprise but so simple to put together. You just need to make paper gift boxes (however many for the people you are going to be announcing for), then inside the gift boxes you can write your announcement “we’re having a baby” or “you’re going to be an auntie”. Gather everyone around and tell them you have a gift for them all. Wait for them all to receive their gift box and then they can open it at the same time. Enjoy as you watch their adorable reactions. 


Sweetest gift boxes with bow





Grandparents’ surprise gift box

Photo credit: PinkPositiveShop



Brown gift boxes with heart

Photo credit: iandgeco



2. A Matching Gift Tradition

Say for example you want to announce to your mom and sister that you’re expecting. You could buy matching bracelets, one for you, one for your sister, one for your mum, and a tiny one for your baby. This sentimental moment will be remembered forever and imagine the sweet moment you’ll be able to tell your baby about why they have this tiny bracelet. Your baby may even decide to pass that bracelet down to their own baby one day and make a tradition of it





Photo credit: BeeMadeDesign



3. Pebble On The Beach Memorable Moment



Customize these pebbles with a cute picture or message like “You’re going to be a grandma” or “We are expecting a beautiful baby”. Pop it in your pocket and suggest an evening stroll down the beach. Wait for a really great time and pretend you are picking up a really interesting pebble. Take out the pebble from your pocket and show it to your loved one. Wait for their memorable reaction to this sweet and unexpected moment.




4. Emotional Speech

In your Speech, you can list all of the reasons why this person or these people were good to you. Perhaps your parents gave you a wonderful upbringing. Maybe your sister has always been there for advice and support. At the end of your Speech add that this is how you know they’re going to make the most amazing grandparents/aunt etc. This will grab at their heart strings because you’ve included them in the announcement.


5. Sweetest Personalized Cookies

Cookies are a great way to announce a pregnancy because they can be made to look super cute to match the theme, and it’s so easy to write on them. You could write on each cookie the title of the individual such as ‘grandma’ ‘grandpa’ ‘aunt’ etc. Make a moment of it by bringing them out and giving them to everyone individually. 


6. Certificate And Starter Pack

If you want to do an emotional pregnancy announcement then I presume they are special people in your lives. So how about you create a homemade certificate that congratulates them with their new honorable title? You could pack this up with a starter pack for all the essentials they’ll need as a grandma/aunt/brother etc. 



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7. Scan Photo Framed

Photo credit: MadeForAmour


Usually, you’re given a few little photos of your precious baby. You could gift one of these or you could photocopy it and give it as a gift in a beautiful scan photo frame.  If you don’t want to give it as a gift you could just bring them with you as a cute way to announce the pregnancy and have them see your baby for the first time, this will make it feel so real and exciting.


8. Play This Unique Game

On lots of small pieces of paper write one word for a sweet sentence such as “Congratulations, you are going to be [grandparents]”. Give each person one piece of paper with a single word on it. Now have everyone take turns in reading out their word to reveal the phrase in a sweet family moment. 


9. Beautiful Calendar

Gift them a calendar and write your baby’s due date in the calendar. This will be so unexpected and they’ll be able to count down to that special day with you. If you want a ready-made one, this beautiful pregnancy announcement calendar from amazon would make a thoughtful announcement. 


10. Thoughtful Gift From The Baby

Get them their first gift from the baby. Is there something they really love? Is there something they’ve wanted for a long time? This will already have them feeling overwhelmed with love, when they read the tag that says “From your new grandbaby/nephew” or niece there are going to be tears all around!


11. Sweet Pregnancy announcement poem

Photo credit: LulaDesignCo


Nothing quite like a poem to convey the emotions of such a special announcement.
You could find a poem previously written like this pregnancy poem gift or you could create one yourself. Here is one for inspiration:

We’ve got a secret to share with you,
Something special and brand new.
With love and hope, we patiently wait,
For the day our family celebrate.
Let it be known, far and near,
A precious gift, we shed a tear.
Our love expands, with every beat,
As we anticipate the pitter-patter of little feet.
Our little one is on the way,
And we want to share this surprise with you today.


12. Family and/or Friends’ Game night


What a special way to announce your pregnancy by gathering all of your loved ones together for an intimate evening of fun and games. All of the love and laughter will be flowing making this a real emotional and sentimental moment to remember! We have compiled a brilliant list of pregnancy announcement game ideas for you too!


13. Cutest  Pregnancy Announcement Reveal Card

Photo credit: LittleOliveBranchCo


This beautiful pregnancy announcement scratchcard from Etsy with a sweet quote will be the perfect pregnancy announcement gift! 



Other ideas:

This cute pregnancy announcement postcard would be great popped in the post or given face-to-face.



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