Two-Week Wait Affirmations To Help You Relax

Two-Week Wait Affirmations To Help You Relax

Two-Week Wait Affirmations To Help You Relax

how to cope with the two-week wait

Coping through the two-week wait can be tough because it’s often difficult to think about much other than your hope of getting pregnant! So the best thing we can do is focus on caring for our body and mind during the two-week wait and while waiting to take a pregnancy test.  But how can two-week wait affirmations help with this? As very well mind explains, Affirmations can help to relieve stress and anxiety and help you to sleep and to eat better. (This can definitely be helpful when you are up all night wondering if every single symptom you experience means something!).

Not only do affirmations increase our emotional well-being, which is perfect for a possible pregnancy, but they also help us to prepare our minds for if we do not get the desired outcome. Therefore we will be able to handle this situation because positive affirmations help develop a healthier response to stress

So with this information in mind, it is essential for us to choose affirmations that are realistic for us as individuals, and that align with our values. We all share similar emotions and experiences while trying to conceive, however, we are also each individual. Creating affirmations that are inspiring and comforting for you and your story is absolutely a must. With that said, here are some two-week wait affirmation prompts to get you started. Think about what aligns with you and maybe you can come up with your own too.

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Two-week wait affirmations

I have trust in my body

I trust my body’s timing 

I am open to new journeys 

I care for my body so my body can care for me and a baby

I care for my mind so that I feel relaxed and happy

My body knows when it is the right time

I am doing everything I can

I am worthy of self-compassion

I treat my body with care and love

I release what I can not control

I am proud of my body

I can find joy in the present moment

I allow my body the time it needs

I take care of myself no matter what

I welcome all of my emotions

I speak kindly to myself when things are challenging

I am surrounded by love

I have many different things to look forward to

I exhale negative thoughts and breathe in positive thoughts


Now head to the forum to share your thoughts, get advice and connect with others! See you soon 🙂


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