18 Daily Routine Habits for a Better Life
18 Daily Routine Habits for a Better Life
I want to help you create a daily routine schedule that works for you—not the other way around. From a young age, starting with school, we’re conditioned to follow schedules set by others. But these schedules often fail to align with what we truly need or want. It’s time to take back control. By adopting these customizable daily routine habits for a better life, you can design a schedule that fits your unique needs and desires, empowering you to live each day feeling motivated, cared for, and fulfilled.
Why is it important to create your own scheduele? For many people, maximizing productivity can depend on their own internal clocks—known as circadian rhythmsExternal link:open_in_new—that regulate when the body feels the most alert and energetic. Positive daily routines are important because they foster healthy habits. They help us get things done that support us, which leaves more time for other things, like hobbies and quality time with loved ones. This leads to a well-rounded, balanced life. Now we understsnd why routine habits are important, I want to give you some help to get them going!
Daily Routine Habits
Surround yourself with positivity as soon as you wake up
One of the best things we can do for our day is to begin it in a positive way. Eliminate anything that makes you feel low or demotivated. One way I like to do this is by engaging the five senses. Here are some suggestions:
Smell: Spray some pillow mist that you love before going to bed, so you can wake up to its soothing scent.
Sound: Get rid of harsh alarms! Use natural sounds or songs that make you feel great first thing in the morning.
Taste: Keep a cold glass of water by your bed for a refreshing sip when you wake up.
Touch: Choose fabrics you love to wrap yourself in, so you wake up feeling calm and cozy.
Sight: Invest in a natural light alarm clock with a timer that mimics the rising sun.
Prioritize things for the week ahead
When you’re enjoying your chill Sunday, take a moment to look through the week ahead. Identify the most important things you don’t want to forget and add those to your planner first. Getting these down will help you feel on top of things. Once they’re set, you can build everything else around them. You might want to color-code these in your planner and set alarms for them before the week begins.
Make Notes on what works/doesnt
Keep track of what works and what doesn’t. Take notes on the routines, habits, or strategies that help you feel your best, and don’t be afraid to adjust what isn’t serving you. Reflecting on these notes will guide you toward what truly fits your lifestyle.
Add nourishing foods to each meal
When you’re enjoying a relaxed Sunday, take a moment to glance at the week ahead. Pinpoint the most important things you absolutely don’t want to forget and prioritize adding those to your planner first. Having these in place will make you feel organized and on top of things. Once those are set, you can structure everything else around them. Consider color-coding these in your planner and setting alarms to remind you before the week kicks off.
Get everything in place the evening before
Preparing everything the evening before will leave you feeling far more organized and happier in the morning. I like to lay out my children’s outfits in neat piles, make sure their bags are packed and hanging by the front door, and organize any errands that need to be handled the next day. The benefits of this simple habit will quickly make it a nightly routine you won’t want to skip!
Focus on one thing at a time
I find it helpful sometimes to think of things in categories, such as work, family, friends, self-care, “me time,” etc. Allowing yourself this time and seeing it written out and categorized on paper helps you be present for each of these valuable parts of your life. I know how important this is because, as a single parent, I often try to “cheat” by multitasking. But all that happens is you end up tired, things aren’t done properly, and you miss out on the joy of truly being present.
Schedule things to look forward to
We all know how important routines are—they make us feel good, help us stay productive, and keep things running smoothly. However, they can also become really boring unless we mix things up! That’s why it’s so important to have things to look forward to that make you feel excited. I believe it’s essential to find a balance between routine and consistency, and fun and spontaneity.
Maybe you could end each week with a fun tradition, like drawing an idea from a jar and doing it as a couple or family. Or perhaps there’s a hobby or class you’ve been wanting to try just for enjoyment. Remember, this kind of joy and spontaneity is just as important as work!
Mix in a balance
When planning your week, aim for a balance across all areas of your life—career, wellness, relationships, personal growth, home responsibilities, and fun/relaxation time. This is where color coding or visuals can be really helpful. The more colorful your plan looks, the more balanced your week will feel, letting you know you’re on the right track!
Most importantly, listen to how you feel. Don’t pressure yourself to stick to the schedule strictly—if something doesn’t feel right or you need a change, move things around! Flexibility is key to maintaining balance.
Be honest about what you can do
And that leads us to this point: first, it’s important to be honest with yourself. I know this because I’ve learned it the hard way. I used to think I needed to stick to the schedule no matter what, but that’s not the way to do it. Be honest about what you feel you can manage, listen to your body, and figure out what routine or schedule works best for you. Experiment with it and move things around until it feels right. It can take time to discover what works, but that’s part of the fun of creating a routine that fits your life.
The second part of this is being honest with other people about what you can realistically do. Be upfront about your boundaries, your time, and your energy. It’s better for everyone if you’re clear about what you can commit to. Sometimes we think people need us to say yes, but what they really need is honesty.
Relaxing evenings
IIt’s no secret that sleep is important for us. To help get a relaxing night’s sleep, we can prepare by giving ourselves the gift of a relaxing evening. This will set the mood to wind down and sleep like a baby! It will inevitably be different for everyone, so have fun trying different things to see what helps you feel relaxed in the evenings. You might enjoy watching TV and having a face mask with a foot soak. Or perhaps reading, journaling, or listening to a comforting podcast works best for you. Once my youngest has settled down for the night, I like to chill with my older son for a bit, snuggling with my sweet toy poodle and a soft blanket on the sofa, with some dark chocolate cranberries!
Tools To Stay Consistent
Make mundane things enjoyable
It’s easy to get fed up with a routine when it becomes boring and fall back into habits that don’t serve us well. That’s why one tip I have is to make those more boring tasks at least a little bit enjoyable. For example, buy a toothbrush you actually enjoy using, get a water bottle you love drinking from, or use your creativity to make your workspace bright and inspirational. I love writing with sparkly glitter pens and having my toddler help chop vegetables with her toddler-safe knives. Day-to-day life can be wholesome, and you can absolutely romanticize your daily routine.
Categorize time
If you dedicate time to each thing you need to focus on, it will reduce overwhelm and make it easier for you to stay consistent with your daily tasks and to-do lists. It also ensures you’ll be able to spend time doing things that relax you, things you enjoy, and not feel rushed when you do each task. I find it hard to pull myself away from things sometimes when I’m really focused, but I assure you that it gets easier with practice. I now have a much better routine for my work, instead of doing it all at once and getting worn out.
Mix work with rest and mindfulness
These two things really do go hand in hand, and one cannot thrive without the other. The more you learn to relax and do things that make you feel mindful, the better you’ll feel when you work. And having a regular schedule for work means you’ll truly appreciate your time resting and being mindful. The balance is the magic key to feeling well-grounded.
Get everything in place the evening before
This is especially important for my parents out there. If you get piles of clothes in place, lunches made, and breakfast washed and ready for the morning, it makes the start of the day feel taken care of, smooth, calm, and sets you up for an easy-flowing day. I cannot recommend this enough. It’s so much nicer than jumping up and rushing around looking for this and that. I know—I’m still mastering this skill! And it’s also not possible to get everything right all the time, so be kind and gentle with yourself, please.
Mini self care
This is just as important as bigger things like haircuts and getaways. I mean regularly popping these moments into your schedule throughout the day—having time to look forward to sipping your favorite drink in a scenic spot, cuddling with your cat, or enjoying a few pages of the book that takes you to a great place. These little joys will keep you refreshed.
Switch up locations and scenery
This keeps things feeling more interesting in your day-to-day routine and is good for your mind. If you’ve got some emails to catch up on, go to a cafe or sit in your garden. Instead of having family dinner at the dining table, create a floor picnic in the living room with blankets and cushions. When you’re brushing your teeth, open the window and listen to the birds. Small things like these gradually help you realize the beauty in the simple things, and you’ll start to naturally look for more ways to enjoy them!
You can create your own traditions. Maybe every Friday evening, you’ll try a new exotic recipe and watch your favorite film as a family. Or perhaps there’s a time during the week that you have to yourself, where you’ll take the dog for a scenic walk with a flask full of hot chocolate, cream, and marshmallows.
Treat it as a self discovery journey
Another way to help stay in your routine is the way you approach and view it. Don’t see it as a chore; it’s not meant to be. It’s supposed to be a carefully crafted routine that helps you live the way you want to, in a way that supports and nourishes you. And it’s an enjoyable journey to figure out. You can swap, change, and add things that do work for you. It may take time to figure it out, and that’s okay. It will evolve as things in your life change, and that’s okay too. Enjoy learning more about yourself, and know that this is another tool for your empowerment.
Visual Planners
I know many people keep their schedules on their phones, and it’s great to have that for reminders and notes, absolutely! However, I highly recommend that in addition to that, you also have a physical planner that you can hold in your hands, carry with you, and enjoy looking at and arranging. You can even make one yourself if you enjoy creating, just like the one I made below.
Cork boards
Tear off Desk pads
What is the number one thing that helps you with your weekly/daily routine?
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