21 Amazing Best Friend Activities You'll Want To Try 

21 Amazing Best Friend Activities You’ll Want To Try 

21 Amazing Best Friend Activities You’ll Want To Try 


Planning a best friend day? Well, your best friend is lucky to have you, and it’s wonderful that you care enough to put so much thought into it. This post is all about amazing best friend activities you’ll want to try. 

Even though anywhere and everywhere with your best friend can be made enjoyable and hilarious, it’s always fun to plan a special day together trying something a bit different. My favorite times are the ones spent having long evenings down at the beach and taking random road trips to cute, cozy pubs in the country.

Times spent with your best friend are free, soul-nourishing, and unforgettable. I think they are worth holding so much gratitude for, and I want to help you make the most of spending time with your best friend with these best friend activity ideas.


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21 Amazing Best Friend Activities


1. Create a best friend bucket list

21 Amazing Best Friend Activities You'll Want To Try 

What is better than completing a bucket list? completing one with your best friend. You can go all out and put down things that you can tackle together! You’ll make wonderful memories to cherish. 

2. Host a club at home

21 Amazing Best Friend Activities You'll Want To Try 

Do you and your bestie love reading? cooking? or maybe something else. you can host your own club and invite all your friends for a cute day/evening teaching everyone what you love. Best friend activities can totally include all your friends too. 

3. Polaroid picture day

21 Amazing Best Friend Activities You'll Want To Try 

Grab a Polaroid camera and take it out with you for the day to capture some amazing photos. You can dedicate a whole day to this and just have fun, you can then make a scrapbook of memories. 


4. Have a self-love day together 

21 Amazing Best Friend Activities You'll Want To Try 

Put a day in the calendar to have a self-love day with your bestie. Work-related duties can be put on hold because only relaxing and pampering things are allowed! Go shopping for some essentials, pamper yourself at home, go and get a pedicure, whatever it is you love, and indulge all day. 

5. Have a yes day

21 Amazing Best Friend Activities You'll Want To Try 

Have a day together where you just say yes to everything. This can be fun but also just completely freeing. Let your hair down and see where the day takes you. You can Make an agreement that you’ll say yes to each other (with obvious safety limits), and you may be pleasantly surprised. 

6. Create a time capsule letter

21 Amazing Best Friend Activities You'll Want To Try 

Write a letter to each other today, that you’ll love to read in the future together. You can write all about what is going on in your life, what each other means to you, and what you want to manifest for the future when you read this letter. Light some candles or go find a beautiful spot to sit in, get your favorite snacks and make an afternoon of it. 

7. Create an online community together

You could create your own online community together, this could be based on your interests or something you are both passionate about  (facebook would be good for that) or it could be sharing your journey as best friends (Instagram would be great for that). All of your family and friends will love following along and they’ll probably be inspired by your great friendship. 

8. Try out an exercise routine

My best friend and I used to follow some inspirational fitness coaches on youtube and follow their routines in the living room. This is so much more enjoyable than doing it alone, and you can relax with your favorite food and drink afterward. 

9. Visit a childhood location

21 Amazing Best Friend Activities You'll Want To Try 

Take your best friend down memory lane with you and visit a place you grew up or that means a lot to you. Maybe you grew up together and it would be fun to reminisce, or perhaps you want to introduce each other to your roots. 

10. Start a vegetable patch

if one or both of you enjoy gardening or growing your plants then dedicating a vegetable patch to your friendship is a lovely idea. You can enjoy picking which fruit and/ or veg you’d like to grow and have fun setting it up. Growing your food to eat will be a lovely thing to keep returning to and you can put it in the next meal you enjoy together. 

11. Choose an outfit for each other 

Is there an outfit you have always thought would look nice on your best friend? well, maybe you’d love her choice of an outfit for you too! Have fun by choosing each other’s outfit and making the most of it by wearing it out together somewhere nice. You include this idea with other best friend activities!


13. Do a funny challenge

Tackle a funny challenge together just for the fun of it. You can look on youtube at youtube challenges. Some great ideas could be; try not to laugh, bean boozled challenge or even try to do your makeup without looking in the mirror and then go to the shop challenge ( yes i totally made that up but i dare you to try it). 


14. Location lucky dip

Print out a map of where you wouldn’t mind going, close your eyes, and draw a circle around a random spot. Then plan with your bestie to go there. Alternatively, you could each put some places in a hat and then draw one out for you to go and explore. 

15. Try each others hobbies

Discover what your best friends hobby is that they like to do alone and decide you’ll spend a day (or weekend) joining in with each others hobbies. It will be lovely yo teach each other a new skill, and show some genuine interest in what makes them happy, you may even find yourself with a new hobby too. 

16. How well do you know me game

For this game you just need to decide what questions you are going to ask, each write out your individual and unique answers to these questions (keep it to yourself) then with each question you write down your answer for what you think your best friends answer is.

Then you reveal your answers together and see what you know about each other already and what you can learn! you could make it even more fun by making mocktails and taking a sip each time you get a question right. 

17. Foods from around the world

There’s a restaurant I love going to because they offer different types of food from around the world. You could recreate this at home by going to the shops together, getting various samples from different cultures, and making an evening of all-you-can-eat global cuisine at home.

18. Tell each other your most embarrassing stories

Grab a picnic and head to a park, or have a takeaway evening where you dig out the most embarrassing stories you’ve never told and spill all the beans to your best friend, You’ll be laughing (and cringing) the whole time and you’ll feel even more close. 

19. Dare to try something you’d never normally try

Is there something you’d love to try but you’ve been putting it off? go for it with your best friend and you’ll feel a huge sense of achievement! It could be anything such as swimming in the sea, going on a zip line or roller coaster or maybe train for an assault course/run. 

20. Fruit picking

Fruit picking can be a lovely mindful and relaxing activity to do with your best friend. You can take it slow, have a lovely long chat, and soak up the sunshine. It’s a bonus that you’ll come away with a bunch of delicious hand picked fruit.

21.Take a picnic on a rowing boat

This is probably my favorite idea because I tried this with my best friend a while back and it’s something I love to think about because we laughed so much. There is something so relaxing about being on the water, and going on a boat doesn’t need to be a big trip because you can enjoy a rowing boat on a little lake. Pack up a picnic and enjoy yourselves. 


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This post was all about amazing best-friend activities you’ll want to try!

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