sentiments first birthday quotes for son or daughter

Sentimental First Birthday Quotes for Son Or daughter

Sentimental First birthday Quotes for Son Or daughter

Sentimental First birthday Quotes for Son Or daughter


Is your baby about to turn one? looking for first birthday quotes? What an exciting and emotional time. I always feel like a first birthday is as much a celebration for the parents as it is for their baby. You are celebrating the day that you went through giving birth, in whichever wonderful way you delivered your baby. You are also coming to the end of your first year with your new little person, or maybe even as first time parents. You’ve made it through the ups and the downs, the fun times and the tiring times. And now you’re looking forward to the coming months when your sweet baby is going to become a toddler and your world opens up to all the fun things you can do as your baby starts to become more interested in the world. If you’re writing a sentimental birthday card for your sweet baby and looking for the perfect quote then we might have just that below. Or maybe you’d like to dedicate a post on Instagram or Facebook and you need a caption that expresses perfectly how you feel. We’ve put our mama hearts into some heartfelt quotes for your son or daughters first birthday, so get a cup of tea and a biscuit and have a read through, it’s the least you deserve after your first year of bringing up your precious baby.


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Sentimental First Birthday Quotes

Thank you for 365 days of pure love and magic


So eternally grateful to be celebrating the day I met the little person I’d waited my whole life to meet 

 Your first year has been my favourite year


It may be my job to love and protect you, but it is because of you that I know the extent of my strength and the depth of my love


You are my wish come true, so I’ll do everything I can to make sure your first birthday wish comes true too

As you make your first birthday wish, I’ll be thanking my lucky stars for mine- as he/she turns one today

Happy birthday to the most brave, beautiful and strong minded one year old girl/ boy that I have ever known


I didn’t think I could love you any more than at that moment you were first placed in my arms, but one year later and I love you even more

This day one year ago a true princess/ prince entered the world

A truly ONE-derful, precious girl/ boy celebrates her/his first birthday today

As we celebrate your very first birthday, I want you to always know that you are as strong and beautiful as all of the dreams inside you

You might be just one years old, but you have the biggest personality and fill our hearts with the most love

One full year with you and the only thing I’d change is to slow the time down just a little

12 months of making precious memories with you, and I can’t wait to make so many more

This first year with you has given me some of the most precious days I’ll forever cherish

This day one year ago I met the love of my life and now I couldn’t imagine life without you

This day we celebrate your first birthday but you make every day worth a celebrating

I may have gotten less sleep in the last year, but that has meant extra moments being with you and I wouldn’t change any of it

In just one year you have brought so much love and joy into our lives, I can’t wait to watch you continue to shine wherever you go

I have cherished every hug, every smile and every song we sang together. You will remember it in your heart and I’ll remember it in my mind forever

They told me that your first year would be the hardest, but they didn’t tell me the hardest part would be letting go of that version of you

Thank you for the most meaningful year of my life


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We hope you found a quote perfect for you, or some inspiration in this list of first birthday quotes. See you soon 🙂

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