Letter to my firstborn
Letter to my firstborn
You crowned me with my title “Mother” a word which used made me feel safe, and now it had a whole new meaning that felt the very opposite as I stepped foot into this real new world of motherhood. I now had the responsibility to make you feel safe. You got the version of me that was brand new, not knowing of anything, yet feeling everything. You took most of my mistakes and my uncertainty about myself, and you taught me what I needed to do. And when I got it wrong, you gave me endless chances to make it right.
You made my second pregnancy and birth more enjoyable, by showing me that I could trust in myself, let go of my fears, and believe that everything would work out. You made the love for my secondborn so powerful because I had seen how much my heart could already grow for you. And I couldn’t wait to get home to see my second baby in my first baby’s arms.
You may seem so big as you own the eldest sibling place in our family, but forever you will be my firstborn baby. I’m sorry that you got the version of me that was inexperienced. However, I am eternally grateful that you made me the Mother I am today and the mother that you continue to inspire me to be every day.
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