Sweetest ever good night quotes for him or her

Sweetest Ever Good Night Quotes For Him Or Her

Sweetest Ever Good Night Quotes For Him Or Her


Sweetest Ever Good Night Quotes For Him Or Her


It’s evening time and you want to send that message that grabs their attention. A good night text or a good night text message. 

This post is all about the sweetest ever good night quotes for him or her.

You want it to capture your feelings for your special person while also having them fall asleep with a smile on their face thinking of you. 

Well a great relationship includes communication, appreciation and consistency so these thoughtful good night message are an asset to just that. 

Great communication such as good morning, and good night messages might be small and simple gestures, but they can make a big positive impact on a relationship. Clinical psychologist John Gottman suggests that such rituals create a sense of security and stability within relationships, contributing to emotional closeness and a deeper bond over time (Gottman Institute).

And sometimes we know what we want to say but we just can’t find the right words to express it (especially at the end of the day). 

Luckily I’m overly emotional so I’m your person whenever you need some words straight from the soul and I’m always rooting for you and your relationship.

After all, It’s what life and love is all about. 


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30 Sweetest Ever Good Night Quotes 


Sweetest Ever Good Night Quotes For Him Or Her


Thinking of you as I fall asleep always puts a smile on my face, good night [    ]


Dream big tonight because you deserve it all, I love you , and good night


Just wanted you to know that I’m wrapping myself in your jumper tonight, good night I can’t wait to hold you again 


Good night to the person who I wish I was falling a sleep next to 


Nothing makes me happier than knowing you’re mine, good night my [   ]


Sending a special good night to the only person on my mind, I love you 


So jealous of your pillow right now, sweet dreams my [    ]


Falling asleep the happiest guy/girl in the world because of you, good night 


It feels like Christmas Eve knowing I’ll be seeing you tomorrow, sweet dreams 


Just a message to let you know that thinking of you tonight is the sweetest way to fall a sleep


Falling a sleep tonight even more in love with you than when I woke up this morning, good night [   ]


I am grateful for every single night that I fall a sleep being your guy/girl, I love you 


I can’t wait to dream tonight about all of the adventures I want to go on with you, good night I love you 


Good night my hero of my dreams and real life, I love you 


Don’t  forget to fall a sleep tonight without remembering you are amazing, beautiful and can have everything you want and dream of. Sweet dreams 


This is your gentle reminder to switch off, give your time to yourself and have a relaxing nights sleep. Everything else can wait, I love you 


I want you to fall a sleep tonight knowing how loved, appreciated and special you are, sweet dreams 


Falling asleep without you, deeply in love with you, sweet dreams my love 


In case you didn’t already know, you are an incredible human being, good night and sweet dreams 


We may be far apart tonight, but my love for you is even stronger, I love you and good night 


Going to bed without you tonight makes me realise I never want to again! Sweet dreams to my wonderful [    ]


I think I’d rather sleep on a floor with you than sleep in this bed without you, good night my [    ] I love you 


I hope you get into bed washing the worries of today away, capturing all of the best parts, and knowing tomorrow will be amazing. Good night 


Every day with you is the best day of my life, I love you good night 


I’m so excited for everything that I imagine with you, I hope you have be best nights sleep, I love you 


I’m so lucky that I get to say good night to the most beautiful person on earth, I love you 


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