
10 Epic Party Games For Adults You’ll LOVE

10 Epic Party Games For Adults You’ll LOVE

10 Epic Party Games For Adults You'll LOVE

I take my hat off to you if you’re hosting a party for family and/or friends. It’s not easy being the host, there’s a lot for you to think about! but isn’t it just so worth it? and everyone for sure appreciates the effort.

This post is all about party games for adults.

And what is the icing on the cake for a party? Absolutely the games. They can completely make an average party, a  party that everyone will talk about and remember for a long time after!

I’ve thought long and hard about what makes a party game for adults fun, engaging and memorable. thesare 10 original games that are simple for you to set up and will give you hours of fun, laughter and connection. 


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10 Epic Party Games For Adults

1. What’s those lyrics

10 Epic Party Games For Adults You'll LOVE

Play snippets of songs and the players must finish the end of the lyrical sentence. They can write it down on paper and just read it it loud (Extra points for singing it). Rules are they must write something so see what funny mistakes they might make with the lyrics.

2. Joke or Dare pong

Much like beer pong but you can put anything in the cups to drink because the main point is there will be either a dare or a joke underneath the drink that the person gets to either read out or has to do. You can make up the jokes and dares to suit you and your guests.

3. Eyes and hands

Team up with another player, you just (fit something together or make something) with the eyes of one player and the hands of the other person. The winner makes the best and choose someone to decide or everyone casts a vote. 

4. Who did that?

Everyone discloses something on a piece of paper, it can be something embarrassing, surprising, or hilarious. Pick someone to read them out and everyone must guess who this confession is about. The person with the most correct guesses wins.

5. A or B

You prepare two different types of food, and the players get to choose A or B, paired with 1 or 2. Easy right? Not quite. The A and B only match up with either 1 or 2.  Think strawberries (A) with cream (1).  or chips (B) with ketchup (2). Guess right and you’re in for a treat, guess wrong and you’re going to be served up something rather unappetizing. Points are awarded for trying the food, no matter what the mix match is.

6. Charades but with play-doh or modeling clay

 Instead of acting out words or phrases, players use Play-Doh to sculpt their clues. Divide into teams and take turns having one player from each team draw a word or phrase from a hat. That player then has a set amount of time to mold a representation of the word or phrase using Play-Doh, while their teammates try to guess what it is. No speaking or writing is allowed, only sculpting.

7. Escape room game

This is a brilliant game an can be purchased at etsy. Get everyone involved in solving the mystery. It will involve so much fun and laughter. 

8. Giant Jenga

set up the large wooden blocks in a sturdy tower, alternating the direction of each layer. Players take turns carefully removing one block from any level below the highest completed one, using only one hand, and placing it on top of the tower. The game continues until the tower becomes unstable and collapses. The last player to successfully place a block without causing the tower to fall wins.

9. What’s that object?

Divide your guests into teams. Then, have them line up with eye masks so they can’t see what you’re going to give them. You then put an object into the hand of the first person in line. They have to hold it and pass it on to the next person, and so on. When the last person has the object, the game operator takes it back. The participants can then take off their eye masks and write down what they think the object is. The team with the most correct guesses wins.

10. Truth Teller Game

Here’s one we’ve created for you that we absolutely love. You have a bunch of pieces of paper in a jar that say “truth teller” apart from one that says “lie teller”. Each player picks a single piece of paper from the jar (or hat) and keeps it to themselves. Then you take in turns asking questions to the group. This could be as simple as “What is your favourite food” to more complex questions like “What is your most embarrassing moment?”

No one knows who is a truth-teller or a lie-teller, you only know what you are and that the aim is to not be found out if you are a lie-teller. Truthtellers must answer with the truth, and the lie teller must answer with lies. After 5 questions, everyone votes on who they think the lie teller is, after 15 questions and 3 sets of guesses, if the lie teller is not found then they win, if they are found then the truth tellers win. 


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