affirmations for anxiety

Affirmations For Anxiety That Will Comfort You

Affirmations For Anxiety That Will Comfort You

Affirmations For Anxiety That Will Comfort You

Whip out your self care journal because today we are going to be empowering ourselves with affirmations for anxiety and those overwhelming times. Keep your journal in a safe space that you can always get to when needed and you’ll be equipped to face that anxiety whenever it may show itself. 

I have studied psychology and I’ve lived with anxiety ever since I can remember so if you are experiencing it on any level then all of my compassion is being sent to you. I know what you’re going through, I understand how impossible it feels and I can reassure you it will pass, you will overcome it and you will get stronger every time. 

But we’re not here to sit and wait for it to pass today, because we’re going to be doing something about it. Anxiety comes because we have the need to feel safe, and for some reason we’re not feeling safe about something. We’re going to be meeting our deep need to feel safe with these carefully thought out affirmations. 


Affirmations For Anxiety 

Affirmations For Anxiety That Will Comfort You

My body is built to protect me 

I can feel scared and still be a brave person

I can feel worried and take slow deep breaths that comfort me 

I am showing up for my inner child to comfort and protect him/her

I deserve to release anxiety and feel happy in this moment 

It is not my responsibility to worry about everything

It’s safe for me to let go of what is not my responsibility 

I am safe and protected even if I don’t feel like it 

It’s not my fault I feel this way and I can release that weight off my shoulders 

It’s ok for me to release pressures that shouldn’t be placed upon me 

Doing what I can do today is all that I should do 

I can take care of my inner child by letting go of scary thoughts 

I am worthy of feeling safe, comforted and protected 

All of my emotions come to protect me and I can respond with self love and nurturing 

My emotions are valid, and they don’t have to consume me 

My adult self is here to protect and unconditionally love my younger self

It’s safe for me to allow my emotions to pass through my body so they can be released 

I can feel anxious and still be a relaxed person 

I am never alone, I am connected to the people, places and things I love

I am acceptable and loveable just as I am 

This feels scary right now and I know it will pass

I can feel anxious and still be loveable 

I can feel worried and still be a brave person 

I am allowed to wait till I feel comfortable 

I am allowed to be honest about how I feel 

My anxiety is there to protect me and I can tell myself that I am safe 

My anxiety shows me places where I need more self love 

My anxiety shows me places where I need more self compassion 

I can use music/items/smells that make me feel comforted when I feel anxious 

I attract people and places that make me feel regulated and in sync with myself 

I can say no to people and places that don’t feel good for me 

I am open to new experiences that will lessen my anxiety 

I am allowed to go at a pace that feels comfortable for me 

Small gradual steps are more productive than doing too much 

My worth is not defined by what people think of me

My worth is not defined by how I perform 

I value how I feel and when I take care of that everything else falls into place 

I have the power to give myself all of the love and comforting I always deserved 

I unconditionally love and accept myself for all my strengths and imperfections 

By deeply loving and healing my inner child, I can release anxiety that doesn’t belong to me 

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