Affirmations For Tweens

Affirmations For Tweens


Affirmations For Tweens

Affirmations for tweens

Parenting Tweens (preteens)

The preteen years are a huge chance for parents to help their children in their social development and personal development. Preteens are experiencing a brain growth spurt similar to toddlers. This means that they may struggle particularly with impulse control, emotion regulation, and logical and hypothetical thought processes (Sarah Ockwell-Smith). These years are an important part of childhood development for forming an identity. Because of this, the preteen years come with a drop in empathy and an increase in egocentrism. Their behavior may appear challenging and self-centered at times. However, they are figuring out themselves, and figuring out life. So they need this time, and they need our patience and understanding.  

I honestly wish I had access to these affirmations when I was a preteen. It would have helped me with low self-esteem and questioning my worth. Seeing my son going through his preteen years makes me feel very protective of him. However, I am determined to empower him. I have started to write them on notes and place them where I know he will see them. I didn’t know if he’d like them or not but he told me they are important to him. So I want to share these with you. 

The goal is to make sure our children know that they don’t need to earn or prove their worth. They need to develop a strong sense of self-worth so they can spend their lives expressing themselves, and enjoy continually developing into the best version of themselves 


What are positive affirmations?

Positive affirmations are statements that we say to ourselves either out loud, in our heads, or we can write and read. This can improve our emotional well-being and encourage a positive mindset about ourselves and our lives. 


How can they help preteens?

Because the preteen years and beyond are such an important time for brain development, affirmations are a fantastic tool to introduce to your preteen if you haven’t already yet. Research tells us that the part of the brain involved in positive valuation and self-related information processing—becomes more active when we consider our personal values. Therefore, encouraging our preteens to practice affirmations can help the way they feel about themselves at such a vulnerable time. With preteen years being when behaviors and habits are shaped, let’s take a look at some affirmations for tweens.


Affirmations For Tweens


Daily Affirmations For Tweens


  • I am loveable
  • Challenges help me to learn how to do things
  • What matters most is that I like myself 
  • I am allowed to say no
  • I am allowed to change my mind 
  • What is most important is staying true to myself 
  • I don’t need to do anything to be enough 
  • I am kind 
  • I value myself 
  • My uniqueness makes me beautiful 
  • My passions are important 
  • I accept myself completely
  • I have the courage to take my own path
  • I am my own kind of beautiful




Affirmations For Emotions 


  • I can feel scared and still be a brave person 
  • I can feel angry and still be a good person 
  • I can feel jealous and still be loveable 
  • I can feel sad and still be a positive person 
  • My emotions are there to help me
  • I can feel all of my emotions, and allow myself time to figure out the best action to take

You may also like: Emotional Regulation: tips for parents



Affirmations For Difficult Days


  • A bad moment doesn’t mean a bad life 
  • It’s safe to feel all of my emotions
  • If I can’t change a situation, I can change the way I see it
  • It is ok for me to take a break 
  • I can listen to what my body needs 
  • I can overcome challenges 
  • I treat myself with kindness
  • I can think of solutions
  • It’s ok to ask for help 

You may also like: How to Build a child’s Confidence



Affirmations For Friendship Challenges 


  • I can control my actions, not other people’s actions
  • Being my authentic self can guide me towards the right friendships
  • Other people’s opinions aren’t facts 
  • It’s okay for people to be wrong about me
  • The right people for me will feel good to be around 
  • It’s okay for me to disagree 
  • I can choose how I accept being treated


You may also like: 9 phrases to protect your child’s mental health


Please share this article if you think it may help a parent and their preteen. What would you add to the list? Head over to the Forum and share your thoughts, get support, or just have a chat with like-minded parents. See you soon 🙂


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